Kohshin Engineering began manufacturing coating dies in 1995, and in recent years
we have installed constant-temperature grinding and measurement chambers which make possible
ultra-precise machining. Based on technical ezpertise related to the best use of high-precision
and high-difficulty needs of our customers even as theese needs continue to become increasingly demanding.
One feature that differntiates us from other manufacturers is our division that spesializes in metal heat treatment and which has been operating for 61 years (as of September 2012).This division allows us to repeatedly perform the potimal heat treatmennt of materials, including stress relief from the time of material delivery through various machining, and to provide high-precision coating dies that reduce aging changes(stress)to the absolute minimum.Because all processes from machining (inckuding heat treatment)to final finishing are performed by our company, integrated with assembly inspections, we are able to delivaer high precision, low cost,and rapid delivery.
Koshin Engineering has developed a die opening structure(patent3447987)that spolits the die body on the machine.This mechanism greatly shortens the time required for cleaning inside the die when the application fluid is changed. It also eliminates the previous problem of possible scratches when the fie was removed and reinstalled.
We can also perform overhauls and emergency repairs of the coating dies from other manufacturers that are in service at your company. (Our grinding chambers operate 24 hours a day!)
(c) All Rights Reserved.Kohshin Engineering Co.,Ltd